While not as directly insulting as the NYT article, this article still
gets it all wrong. Where do you read anything  complimentary about the
MythTV community? I sure don't see it.

I am curous where all of these reporters and so called "experts" get
the notion that MythTV gives you TV for free? MythTV is NOT about
stealing cable or satellite. Its a technological advancement of the

It was okay to schedule a VCR to videotape a show and watch it later.
It was okay to fast forward through the commercials. How is MythTV any
different than this, its just using technology to do it better and

While I can (sort of) understand their argument against automated 
commercial skip (and I would theorize thatthe  people who want to skip
commercials are not the people the commericals are going to profit
from anyway), all of the other features of MythTV have nothing to do
with any illegal or immoral activity. Hell, since it takes so long to
nuvexport a show, I seriously doubt many of the "pirated" shows being
shared through P2P networks are a result of MythTV rips.

So, if someone knows how I can make my MythTV box give me the free
cable/satellite these "experts" are talking about, I'd appreciate them
letting me know. Is that a feature in the soon to be released 0.17?

On Sat, 05 Feb 2005 14:51:14 +0000, Allan Stirling
> Colin Smillie wrote:
> >>Thank you?!?!? Why, do you like being called a thief?
> >>
>  > Allan, I think you should read the link below, its not the NYT Article...
>  >
> >http://advancedmediacommittee.typepad.com/emmyadvancedmedia/2005/01/mythtv_a_nonmyt.html
>  >
> I did, and it still calls me and you a thief.
> Quote:
> So the conversation has to turn to why.  Why do people want free TV?  Is
> is because TV is too expensive?  Yes.  Is it because the current
> commercial structure is so emotionally unsatisfying that people will do
> anything to skip commercials? Yes.  Is it that programming mostly sucks
> and individuals who can take control of their viewing experiences will
> take control? Yes.  In fact, is there any possible reason that someone
> who could change the way they consume television wouldn't change it? No.
> ---
> Now, if he'd said free (Libre), then I might have agreed with you. This
> does _not_ seem to be what he's saying.
> Cheers,
> Allan.
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