After switching kernels (now using 2.4.26-1.ll.rhfc1.ccrma), I am getting no sound on live TV. I do get sound on MythMusic and watching old recordings (thru xine), so would I be right in saying it must be my ivtv setup?

From what I gather, msp3400 might be handling the sound. I tried moving the msp3400.ko (as in Jarod's guide), but my __/kernel/drivers/media/video only has msp3400.o, and if it's moved it won't let me 'modprobe ivtv'. I also tried setting the options in /etc/modules.conf as in Jarod's guide:
options msp3400 once=0 simpler=1 simple=0

Could anyone point me in the right direction, or suggest something else I can check? I had everything working before, and didn't change any hardware setup - just installed new kernel and associated kmdl's.


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