On Sun, Mar 06, 2005 at 08:55:14AM -0500, Joseph Caputo wrote:
> Jeff Simpson wrote:
> >I just thought of this idea and wanted to share it before I forgot it 
> >again.
> >
> >What if there were a way from within myth to look through the program
> >guide, and on the information screen, download and watch the trailer
> >from it if there is one found?  Or additionally, have a plugin that is
> >in the media library that basically says "watch trailers" where it
> >will list off all the movie trailers it finds on some website and if
> >you select one it will download and watch it. (kinda like the
> >video-on-demand trailers on comcast).
> >
> >It's just an idea, I don't have the time to implement it or anything,
> >I just wanted to put it out there in case there was anyone thinking
> >"what could make myth even better?"
> >
> >ps - I don't know if there is a particular website to list off movie
> >trailers, but I'm sure one must exist. Whether or not they mind us
> >scraping their page and downloading their trailers is a different
> >story...
> Apple might be a good place to try for trailers (www.apple.com/quicktime).
> Personally, I think a more useful plugin would be movie time listings 
> from local theaters.  I know Apple's 'Sherlock' tool gets this 
> information (as well as the trailers) via a feed from one of their 
> partners (i.e., no scraping needed), but I haven't seen anyone try to 
> leech off of it yet... I'm sure it wouldn't make Apple happy.

How about bookmark a search for "movie:your-zip-code" on google into
your mythweb bookmarks?
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