I've already manually done it.  I took a cutlist out of MythTV's
exported .sql file, and put it in the .RTV format that gopdit liked.  I
think with a quick sed/awk of the .sql file, it could be easily converted
into something directly importable to gopdit.

My first thuoght for changing the sql into the gopdit file type would
be using an xlt transform. I'm not sure if this is a highly supported
technology in Linux, but it would probably be pretty easy, maybe not
as easy as a scipt?

Not completely sure what XLT is... parser to turn SQL into XML with tags? It'd be doable, but I think a script would keep things simpler. Basically, the beginning of the .sql file with a cutlist looks like:

USE mythconverg;

INSERT INTO recorded (findid, programid, recgroup, hostname, previouslyshown, lastmodified,
cutlist, commflagged, starttime, autoexpire, editing, preserve, endtime, category, deletepen
ding, originalairdate, stars, chanid, description, filesize, subtitle, bookmark, recordid, t
itle, seriesid) VALUES
('0', 'EP1031150049', 'Default', 'mythtv.bogus.net', '1', '20050304072930', '1375 -
19199 - 25270
39917 - 47141
62056 - 68987
77522 - 84335
110485 - 111395
', '1', '2005-02-09 06:58:00', '1', '0', '0', '2005-02-09 08:00:00', 'Documentary', '0', '00
00-00-00', '0', '1049', 'The Alaska pipeline carries crude oil 800 miles across the state.',
'1669148608', 'The Alaskan Oil Pipeline', NULL, '703', 'Modern Marvels', 'SH103115');

One could either parse that to get at the cutlist numbers, or query the database directly to get it. Both of which would then simply need to be formatted as gopdit likes. My argument for this has been that I don't want to do all of this on the actual mythbox. I record with that, but then bring the whole recordings into school to crunch on. That's why I'd like to be able to parse the .sql file directly.


* Cory Papenfuss                                                        *
* Electrical Engineering candidate Ph.D. graduate student               *
* Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University                   *

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