On Thu, 31 Mar 2005 07:28:43 -0500, Donavan Stanley
> On Wed, 30 Mar 2005 20:53:38 -0800, Richard Sears <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > self employed for the last 16 years and a  all by 37. As far as blowing my 
> > boss -
> > notice the part  about being self employed.
> Ummmm so where does you sig come into play?  I smell a rat.  I think
> someones trying to impress a bunch of folks who really aren't
> impressed by a long list of "accomplishments" and getting caught up in
> thei own lies.
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I think there are a bunch of people on this list just going around
trying to pick a fight.  What the hell.

This list has been useful to me in the past.  Specifically, Donavan,
you've given me good advice here before, but the other people in this
thread just seem to be picking a fight, and it baffles me as to why.

When I first read the initial post, I thought.  Xine, thats what this
guy needs.  Of course, the first response here said that, so I just
went along about my business.  I had no idea that he was referring to
DeCSS, but others apparently did, so good for them.

Anthony, why did you bother to even respond?  I barely have enough
time to answer perteinent questions on the list for which I have some
input, let alone taking the time to flame people.  And while you may
want people like Richard off of this list, I'm absolutely sure your
actions will prevent a number of other people who read this list from
posting their questions for fear of not wording it right or getting
flamed.  Their questions might be something you have an actual answer
to, but we will never know, since they'll be afraid to post.
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