It is worth noting that afaik a dxr3/hollywood+ mpeg2 decoder card does
do interlaced tv output correctly.  I just setup mplayer with a 2.4
kernel and got that all working.  (Links for the relevant info are on
the mplayer page.)

The thing is, since I can't think of any way to use that as a "normal"
graphics adapter I don't think it would work with myth anyway.  Its just
that the quality of the tv out maybe better than some.

Of course there is also the fact that I don't know if those cards are
available anymore.  Still I managed to get mplayer playing on a tv with
xvid type source material on a amd k6 500 (i think).  Note for people
like me that forget about use flags in gentoo, well adding the mmx and
3dnow flags and recompiling mplayer made a huge difference.  I've no
idea what the effect is in myth though.

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