On 5/21/05, Byron Poland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> For the past couple of weeks I've been recording some shows off my
> local CBS affiliate in HD vi a air2pc, a hd3000 and firewire.  In all
> cases at somepoint during playback of the recording, I loose sound.
> Usually what happens, is playback freezes, exits, I restart, and skip
> ahead to where I was in the stream give or tak a few seconds, and the
> video plays fine, just no sound.
> I noticed that 0.18.1 had a fix  for live TV audio loss when viewing
> mpeg2 transport streams, however since this is in recording I'm not
> sure it is applicable.  I'm running 0.18.1 (self compiled) on an
> Ubuntu frontend, and knoppmyth R5A15.1 on my backend.  720p programs
> from ABC and fox don't suffer from this.
> Has anyone else seen this?  is there a solution?
> Thanks

Replying to myself.  I transfered the nuv file to a machine capable of
hdtv playback and I loose audio in xine at the same point.  Not sure
why the recording process would fail though.
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