Mat Kyne wrote:

I like to transcode my HDTV recordings down to a more reasonable size and then burn them to DVD+R for storage. I find that I can fit the entire season of shows on 1-2 disks. Is there a way in MythTV to just pop them into the drive and watch them from there? I can do this with my Xbox with XBMC. - Now I know I can do this in FC4 with Xine, but what can I say, If it aint easy, my wife won't like it. And I need the WAF to be through the roof :) -Mat

The MythVideo plugin plays content such as this. It simply spawns an external player (like xine) to do it. There is some support for media detection (which I've never used) so that should work as well. That being said, MythVideo is more geared towards watching content stored on the hard disk already so you may have to search the archives a bit for suggestions from people to get that to work with content on DVD+R which i believe has been posted before.

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