I realize this is pretty much the wrong place to be posting this, but I given the popularity of Jarod's guide I expect there are a number of people here who have run into this situation...

I just rebuilt my mythbox from scratch using Jarod's guide and FC4. It was alot less painful this time than my first attempt :-) However, now when I attempt to run a yum update, the update cannot complete due to 2 dependency problems:

Error: Missing Dependency: libmjpegutils-1.6.so.0 is needed by package transcode
Error: Missing Dependency: libdirectfb-0.9.so.20 is needed by package mplayer

Some snooping around indicates that the first dependency problem is apparent in the atrpms repo, since the new version of mjegtools is there while the newest version of transcode depends on the previous version of the mjpegtools package. The second error appears to be due to a new directfb release in fedora's extras repo, while the build of mplayer in atrpms depends on the older version.

Am I the only person to have run into this? If not, what have you guys done to get around it?

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