James Oltman wrote:

    I'm thinking about buying a digital 5.1 sound system for
    my MythTV setup. I saw some decent 5.1 capable sound
    cards on this list a few weeks ago for under $40, and I'm
    wondering what listers recommend for an inexpensive speaker
    system with a digital optical input?

    Has to work with linux/mythtv obviously, but they're mostly
    OS agnostic, right? Just so long as the sound card works?

    I'm looking to spend less than $300. I'd like it to sound good
    for DVDs, music, TV, and gaming, in that order. What do
    you folks recommend?

As far as speakers go, I have found that the HOME THEATER IN A BOX systems are very well suited to this. They come with a receiver with digital (optical and coax) inputs and 5.1 speakers and cable to hook it all up. All you would need is the digital cord (coax or optical) and the sound card. I am not the person to ask about sound cards. I use onboard NForce2. Good luck!

I'm specifically interested in WHICH home theater in a box folks on this list recommend.

Jesse Guardiani
Programmer/Sys Admin

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