Hi Andreas,

Thanks for answering .

I have more or less followed the documentation on how to tune nagios.


The host check command is check_icmp
We use nagios 2.7.1
The nagios server is not overloaded  4Go RAM and dual core 3GHz.

But still the nagios latency is increasing for no particular reason ...
see the graph attached.


Andreas Ericsson wrote:
Benjamin Cleyet-Marrel wrote:

I am experiencing problems with Nagios latency that I can't understand.

Upon Nagios startup or upon Nagios restart, the latency is bellow 0.1second which is fine. After a couple of days, without any change, and even though the execution time and the Nagios server load remain the same the latency slowly increase. It seems that it is an exponential growth.

All the checks kicks in later and later, no exception.

Usually after a week the latency is up to 60seconds and after 2 week up to 5 minutes.

I have currently set up a Nagios restart every monday, but I would like to find a better solution and understand why does the latency keeps increasing.

We monitor over 50 hosts and have over 1400 checks every 5 minutes.
The nagios server is quite big and is not really loaded.

Any Idea would be appreciated

Three things to check:

I haven't done my morning routine yet, so you'll have to figure out the
real variable names in case my memory is a bit off (which it no doubt is).

Other than that.. What nagios version are you running, and how is your
host check command defined?


Benjamin Cleyet-Marrel

OSS: Open Systems Specialists Ltd
phone:   09-984-3000
fax:     09-984-3001
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web:     www.oss.co.nz
post:    P.O. Box 8833, Auckland

<<inline: nagios-latency.png>>

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