
Just realized I haven't posted any release notices to this list in a few 
years so I figured it was about time :)

"NSClient++ aims to be a simple lightweight yet powerful and secure 
monitoring agent for the Windows operating systems. In addition to being 
compatible with check_nt (NSClient) it can also be monitored via NRPE or 
NSCA. It has the usual set of built-in checks but since it can also be 
extended with plugins/scripts (in various languages) you can 
"theoretically" monitor pretty much anything with it if you are so 
It is written in C++ and thus is fairly low on resources and memory. As 
for compatibility it should run on Windows NT4 all the way up to Vista 
(and beyond?) on Win32, x64 and IA64.

The web page can be found here: http://trac.nakednuns.org/nscp/
There is also a sourceforge page 
But since I think sourceforge sucks (too slow to use) you wont find 
anything but releases there.

The highlights from the last two releases are:
(for details refer to the changelog: 
http://trac.nakednuns.org/nscp/browser/trunk/changelog )
- 0.3.1
* Logfile in unicode (now logging in a galaxy far far away will also work :)
* Improved Eventlog (can now properly render messages, return only 
unique errors and a lot of other enhancements)
* New interactive Installer (very simple as of now, but still)
* Variable packet size for NRPE module (needs recompile of check_nrpe)
* New NRPE Client (to check "other" services via NRPE)
* New CheckExternalScripts module (simpler then the "old" NRPE version)
* New NSCA module (with proper encryption)
* New LUA module (write your own checks with LUA scripts)
* Improved stability (as always)
* Improved SysTray (nicer dialogs and improved stability)
* Index-lookups of PDH counters (hopefully this will once-and.-for-all 
fixe the dreaded PDH counter thread issues)
- 0.3.0
* Improved WMI module (should, I hope, be useful now)
* Unicode support (that means people in <insert country far away here> 
can use performance counters).
* *FIXES* in the socket handling (hopefully it actually works now)
* Some new performance counters as well as slightly better handling (has 
been fixed even better in next version)

Since I am about to start sketching on the 0.4.0 version feature 
requests are always nice :)

// Michael Medin

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