Hi List,
I was wondering if anyone has connected their standard Nagios installation up to a MySQL backend?
I'm looking at this from a purely disaster recovery aspect. It's easy enough to backup the configuration, but the data is another matter.
My current Nagios installation is version 3 installed on a CentOS 4.7 server. The installation was done via Yum from the rpmforge repo. Much cleaner install than compiling the tarballs and much easier to manage.
Yes, I could archive all the installation paths, but because they were installed via the RPM method things are spread out all over the file system. It would be real nice if I had all the data contained within a MySQL backend. That way if I had to restore should my Nag server die or suffer some horrible fate it could be a matter of reinstalling the packages, restoring the /etc/nagios directory where all the configs live, restore the database and I'm of again.
I've looked at a few suggested Nagios front ends including Centreon and they turned out to be bad experiences. Mostly due to the fact that being
a Nagios noobie I didn't know what the hell the front was doing. The worst of it though was the way those front ends kept over-writing my
configuration files in favor of it's own. Made a real mess of things and after the third reinstallation of Nagios on my sandbox I decided they
weren't worth the effort or the misery. (Centreon and NagiosQL)
Groundworks is out of the question because as soon as it was installed and running it disabled my current instance of MySQL in favor of it's
own. Not such a big deal as at the time it was on my sandbox machine, but had that been a production machine where I've got web applications
running I'd have been seriously pissed! Funny that... Groundworks didn't mention anything about that rather rude behavior.
No, I'd much rather be able to connect a standard Nagios install to a MySQL backend and use everything else as is.
Mark Weaver
Computer Information Systems & Services, Inc.
400 Bridge St., STE 4
New Cumberland, Pa. 17070
(717) 512-9718
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