Hi all,

Assaf Flatto wrote:
You want to take a look at the external commands :

I have upgraded from nagios2 to nagios3 and now when I execute the shell script that fires the external command it runs fine. The problem is that nagios doesn't fire a mail. I have done the following. I have created a shell script that it should be executed via a cron task and everytime it should send an email fired by the service.


# This is a sample shell script showing how you can submit the SEND_CUSTOM_SVC_NOTIFICATION command
# to Nagios.  Adjust variables to fit your environment as necessary.

now=`date +%s`

/usr/bin/printf "[%lu] SEND_CUSTOM_SVC_NOTIFICATION;;MAILPARSER_TEST;2;test;Testing if everything is OK\n" $now > $commandfile

And I have defined the following service


define service {
       service_description     MAILPARSER_TEST
       check_command           return-critical
       normal_check_interval   2
       use                     generic-service
       notification_interval   0

And never sends a mail as it normally does with all the other services I have. Any idea?



On Friday 24 April 2009 15:48:39 Arnau wrote:
Hi all,

  Since few weeks ago we use Nagios as monitoring system and everytime
there is a problem it notifies sending an email. We have a system that
parses those emails and using a text to speech system it makes a phone
call. To be sure that the alarm system is running we have periodic calls
launched by emails programmed as cron tasks. I'm worried that some of
the Nagios notifications could be lost or even it wouldn't sent any
notification, so I'd like to launch to substitute those cron emails by
Nagios "fake" notifications or something similar.

  Do you know if there is a way to force Nagios to send a notification

Thank you very much

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