Nagios server: Red Hat Enterprise 4

Nagios version: 3.0.3 June 25, 2008

Monitoring: Windows Server 2003 machines.

Windows client on Windows server 2003 machines: NSclient++ (version
2008-09-24, platform: w32)

Some questions:

1. Time @ Nagios server & time @ Client (Windows server 2003) are the same
and notify if there's difference between them.

I don't know of any such plug-in that is capable of doing that, for example
that it records the time on a remote server and send it to Nagios, then when
Nagios receives it , than it should execute a script that would

compare the received time value of remote server to its local time and send
you the notification if those are different.

2. Monitor specific services (for example application's service)

a) Get notifications if a service is not in started mode.

b) Get notifications if there's CPU load above level given (this is related
to a specific service and not to the general cpu load).

I found out how to do this for the machine's CPU load (but not to a specific

3. Get notification if a specific message appeared in the windows server
event log (warning and error).
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