> However, it what you really want to know is if the entire mail flow is
> working, I'm a fan of having procmail look for trigger messages and send
> a passive check result to Nagios when it sees one.  A cron job can be
> set up to send mail on a regular basis, and the check can then
> be configured to alert if a passive check hasn't been triggered within
> a certain amount of time.  Sure, it's several pieces to set up, but it
> works.

Possibly OT, but if this *is* the intent of the OP, this particular
package works very well for me in our Exchange environment:


It will alert on failure of any part of the email path (submission,
routing, delivery), as well as the latency from submission to



Me:  'How big a monster can you take out with one of those? Would
      you win a fight with Godzilla?'
Jim: 'You could disassemble Godzilla at a range of seven miles.'
                           -- Blog entry about the 76mm Melera, a
                              gun on a US Navy Perry-class frigate
                              that Somali pirates tried to seize

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