On 23 February 2011 18:17, Nair <vman...@rediffmail.com> wrote:
> Friends
> Is it possible to have a different thresholds for same check for
> different timeperiods.
> say 10% from 10AM to 6PM and 20% from 6.01PM to 9.59AM
> Thank you
> Nair

I don't believe so unless you define two separate services which could
look a bit messy.  There are some tricks you can use though.  One I
use in the same vein is I have two contact definitions one for the
core hours timeperiod and the other for the out-of-hours timeperiod.
The out-of-hours one has notification_options c,r  (i.e. not "w") so
Nagios will only send an SMS alert out for critical events not
warnings during that timeperiod.



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