
Andreas Ericsson wrote:
> Good idea. Involving the community to help test things is something
> I've been wanting and trying to do for a long time.

the mailinglists are not optimal. try a dev blog, ask on fb/twitter, and 
maybe cleanup the bug tracker a bit. using new social media in a good 
way can make life easier. but i think i already mentioned that a while 
ago to tony on irc.

> I'm fairly sure I applied that one, but perhaps I was lacking the
> proper amount of alcohol in my bloodstream and forgot to do the
> git ->  cvs export step. The patch is good and will be applied though,
> since it would otherwise force us to bump the major version of Nagios
> for the next release. Thanks :)

thought so, and the recent change to svn would have made the diff 
changed, idea - grab some beers (i'm sure you will on the nagios 
conference in italy) and do it together with ton and ethan, showing some 
git ;-))

> Well, some patches are obviously correct and can be applied without
> adding tests for them. Where current behaviour changes, or new features
> are added in already complex areas is a different matter though, but
> getting the code queued somewhere might make it easier to accept from
> users testing them.

Point is, in that special change on previous release, no test was 
provided either. So by just reverting the diff, it could have resolved 
the issue either way. But I also understand Ton's demanding though I 
don't have time writing those tests myself. For me, it's working, and 
the other part of the cake can be done by someone else amongst fellow 
nagios users/contributors.

> The sad part is that centreon forked three days after Nagios Enterprises
> cancelled the partnership contract with Merethis (the company behind
> centreon). To me, that smells a bit political.

Even if it is, I like their recent patches and overall contributed work 
to Nagios. If there are politics those guys should do that on closed 
doors, and not disturb the way development flows. i did not like that on 
the netways stuff, on the shinken trademark thingies, and if that now 
pops up - well, as said, putting it into the right channels, but not 
nagios-devel imho.

> Thanks for the link though. I've been looking for it but was unable to
> find the download before you posted it. It should be interesting to see
> if they can solve the I/O load problems like someone here at the
> Bolzano conference mentioned they're working on. That's one of my goals
> too, but so far I haven't had time to sit down and think it through
> properly. If they have, we should be able to profit from their work
> quite easily.

Most possible. I'm keen on sharing some of my not-currently-available 
ressources thinking with them about future changes and/or improvements.

> Yes. And no. Shinken is incompatible with all of Nagios' current
> broker modules. Icinga have broken the ABI compatibility, but not to
> the same extent. Shinken has some very neat ideas (and some not so
> neat ones too). Like all good engineers, I'll happily borrow the
> good ones and let the bad ones go hang.

There comes the day in history where an ABI must be broken in order to 
allow the implementation of things you need. Although remaining 
compatible, this is not a good solution, I totally agree on that. Either 
way, Shinken did it right, introducing new things, independent of the 
down below code. Let's see what future might bring on that. 
Communication seems to rather broken in various ways, so let the code 
and releases talk instead, sharing ideas and man power.

Kind regards,

DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

Vienna University Computer Center
Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, Austria

email:  michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at
phone:  +43 1 4277 14359
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web:    http://www.univie.ac.at/zid

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