
I've been trying to make my own script now for a few hours but im not
getting it to work with nagios.
Im most familiar with php so I used that to make the script.

My setup:
Ubuntu 11.4 server
Nagios 3.2.3

The host/command/and service are all in the same .cfg file.

  define command{
  command_name check_ups_temprature2
  command_line $USER$/check_ups_temp.php

define service{
use                     generic-service
host_name               ups1
service_description     Temp ups env sensor
check_command           eaton_ups_temp

Status Information  (Return code of 127 is out of bounds - plugin may be

If I run it with
command_line /usr/bin/php -q $USER$/check_ups_temp.php
I get warning instead of error status: Status Information:(null)

My script:
#!/usr/bin/php -q

$temp = 23;


if ($temp<=$maxtemp){
echo "OK";
if ($temp>$maxtemp){
echo "CRITICAL";


But even if I just use the simplest code it dosnt work.
echo "OK Test ok";

When I run the script from webmin as nagios user it works.

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