I usually combine the classic external command scripts with a smidge of perl to 
grab the members of the hostgroup that I want to trigger something for.

If you give the following script a hostgroup name, it will grab the members 
from objects.cache:

use warnings;
use strict;

my $hostgroup = $ARGV[0];
# here's the spot where I should be checking that $hostgroup is defined...
open my $objects,'<','/usr/local/nagios/var/objects.cache' or die "Failure 
opening objects file: $!\n";
$/ = '}';
while (<$objects>) {
    if (/hostgroup_name\s+($hostgroup)/gs) {
        my $members = $1;
        my @members = split /,/,$members;
        for my $member (@members) {
            print "$member\n";
close $objects;

When you run that you get a list that you can feed to your external command 
Here's the idea in shell on the command line:

bash# for x in `get_hostgroup_members big_switches`;do trigger_service_script 

Andy Ford
Network Security Engineer | Solutions Design & Automation| Information Security 

From: Michael Friedrich [mailto:michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at]
Sent: Monday, January 09, 2012 2:54 PM
To: nagios-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Nagios-users] How to reschedule multiple/all services at once

On 09.01.2012 20:53, Jake Xu wrote:
Hi everyone,

>From time to time, I need to restart or reschedule all services to verify that 
>some new checks or new hosts are working properly. Is there any easy way to do 
>that? I have a large number of hosts and services, so it would be tedious to 
>click through a bunch of links via the web interface. Using external command 
>is not very feasible as well because I would have to have all host names and 
>service names for the command line commands.

I have seen a pretty good idea on Icinga, a Nagios fork, for this purpose. It 
has a checkbox associated with each service check and a select-all checkbox to 
select all checkboxes.

hehe. you just made ricardo and rune proud :-))

It would be useful to have that on the Nagios Core, but AFAIK there isn't any.

for the problem itsself - try OMD. nagios, icinga, shinken as core available 
whilst the gui decision is up to you.


Thanks in advance,


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DI (FH) Michael Friedrich

Vienna University Computer Center

Universitaetsstrasse 7 A-1010 Vienna, Austria

email:     michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at<mailto:michael.friedr...@univie.ac.at>

phone:     +43 1 4277 14359

mobile:    +43 664 60277 14359

fax:       +43 1 4277 14338

web:       http://www.univie.ac.at/zid


Lead Icinga Core Developer

Ridiculously easy VDI. With Citrix VDI-in-a-Box, you don't need a complex
infrastructure or vast IT resources to deliver seamless, secure access to
virtual desktops. With this all-in-one solution, easily deploy virtual 
desktops for less than the cost of PCs and save 60% on VDI infrastructure 
costs. Try it free! http://p.sf.net/sfu/Citrix-VDIinabox
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