On 2013-08-06 19:16, Ton Voon wrote:
> Hi!
> We've published a list of patches for Nagios 4:
> http://www.opsview.com/whats-new/blog/opsview-patches-nagios-4
> We'd be happy if you could review if these are acceptable for future
> inclusion or if anyone else finds them useful.

I'd like to get patches with commit messages and proper author and
signed-off-by info. Since we're using git for Nagios now, it'd go
a long way in making sure everyone gets credit for the work they've

The patches also need to apply cleanly to the latest master.

You may want to clone the official Nagios repo, apply your patches on
top of it and then send me a pull request for github or some such.

   git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/nagios/nagios nagios-core

should get you the very latest. If you apply your patches on top of
'master' and make sure to always do "git pull --rebase" when you want
to get the latest and greatest you'll quickly see which patches either
have been applied or which no longer *can* be applied. Then you can
create a separate repository on github or some such and push the changes

On a first inspection though;
* Don't comment out code. Bringing back dead code is what the VCS is
for, and keeping it around is just plain dumb. If it shouldn't be in
there, just remove it. In the same vein; Don't add commented-out code.

* Avoid C++ comments. I know they're supported in C99, which I'm rooting
for as the least version supported, but it's against the current style.

* Don't mix spaces and tabs for indentation, unless it's continuation-
indentation of a multi-line statement or condition. Stick to the style
in the file you're editing, and *look* at the patch before you send it

* Avoid comments saying things like "Opsview specific foobar" if you
want to have the patches included. If you *don't* want those patches
included, don't send them to me or point me to where they are. It takes
up a lot of time to remove crap like that, and I have no interest in
cleaning up after anyone else. I'm messy enough as it is on my own.

* Don't augment objects (such as hosts, services, commands) with new
variables. Doing so means Nagios 4.1, and I can't take patches like
that until Nagios 4 is at least released as stable. All objects have
an 'id' field which means you can look up any extra data you want in
O(1) time, provided you just initialize an array of size
num_objects.$desired_object_type_in_plural before we enter the event

* Make patches the most scalable you can. For the "check_time_period"
thing, you'd be far better off adding code to detect timeperiod changes,
notice which timeperiods are used to change commands and make a one-off
swap for all the affected commands as the desired timeperiod comes
either in or out of effect.

* Don't build on deprecated technology, such as external files for
commands and/or check results.

Andreas Ericsson                   andreas.erics...@op5.se
OP5 AB                             www.op5.se
Tel: +46 8-230225                  Fax: +46 8-230231

Considering the successes of the wars on alcohol, poverty, drugs and
terror, I think we should give some serious thought to declaring war
on peace.

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