> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:owner-nanog@;merit.edu] On 
> Behalf Of Christopher Schulte
> Sent: October 27, 2002 9:22 PM
> To: William Warren; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Subject: Re: How to secure the Internet in three easy steps
> In a public press release dated August, they claim to have 
> 1.8 million Internet customers.  How that compares to the 
> global pool of cable users, I cannot say.

One cable company I've done business here (Ontario, Canada) has over
500K subscribers, and I don't believe it has the largest number of cable
modems in the country. So you're probably talking around 1.5-2 million
cable modems north of the border. Then you have Europe (I think .nl has
decent cable modem penetration), Asia-Pacific, etc.

> It'll be interesting to see if att exports their filtering 
> policies to the newly acquired customers.  They'll want to 
> support a uniform configuration across the whole network, I'm sure.

They apparently don't have a uniform configuration now; we have lots of
people using AT&T BI complaining about blocked port 80s and whatnot, and
yet we have some other AT&T BI users in different locations (but I think
both were formerly-@Home AT&T BI areas) who don't have any ports
blocked. Bizarre, I have to say. 

Vivien M.
Assistant System Administrator
Dynamic DNS Network Services

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