At 12:59 AM 11/5/2002, Sean Donelan wrote:
>Since its been 5 years since the hints/cache boot file has changed,
>it may be useful to remind people an immediate change to your
>local configuration files is not required.  You don't need to
>slashdot tomorrow morning trying to download the file.
>As long as 1 listed IP address responds with the current list of root
>servers, the server doesn't even need to be a root server itself, your
>name server should figure out who are the current roots.  In the 1980's
>and 1990's when the hints/cache file changed regularly, some people when
>years without updating it.  Or only updated it when they upgraded their
>name server code.
>Don't Panic.

Well said!

I am quite disappointed that ICANN has not included similar language in
their announcement. They know better. 


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