Thus spake "Jim Segrave" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I find the reactions on this mailing list disturbing, to say the
> least. The rush to judgement about what happened appears to be based
> on speculation and assumptions about how this large facility was run,
> managed and staffed.

Everyone with the facts is covered by NDA.

I have tried to provide a characterization of the events based on similar
incidents at other Fortune 100 shops.  I believe this to be educational even
if I can't confirm it is completely relevant to the incident at hand.

If you care about getting more details, then call the good doctor and ask
him yourself.  In the meantime, you're not going to get any more information
from the press or NANOG than you have about, say, the week-long WorldCom FR
outage a year or so ago.

> I hope the posters never pull jury service, as there seems to be a
> complete disregard for the idea of gathering facts before passing
> judgement.

I'd take a jury of NANOGers over the usual pool of people too poor or stupid
to find a way out of serving.  At least most of _us_ live in the same
delusional reality.


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