On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 23:19:38 -0500, McBurnett, Jim wrote:
>If you read PPML, there is a HUGE push via Owen DeLong's Policy
>2003-1a to help with some aspects of the whois Contact..
>his policy is mainly based on the abuse contact, But I think may 
>get extended to all contacts eventually...
>Owen- Wanta jump in here???
>And-- if you feel strong enough to be flamed on the ARIN PPML list
>propose a Policy based on your comments.. I for one agree with you..

Cleaning up the database, establishing good abuse contacts, and
purging the abusers is the essential first step to the strategy I
draft-outline in <http://www.camblab.com/misc/univ_std.txt>.  I hope
volunteers will replicate Owen's efforts at RIPE, APNIC and LACNIC.

As for subject above, all those whose miserable life needs a little
uplift, please turn to <http://www.camblab.com/nugget/slang2.pdf> for
your delectation :)

Jeffrey Race

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