> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Jack Bates
> Sent: March 12, 2003 9:29 PM
> Subject: Re: Put part of Google on 69/8 (was Re: 69/8...this sucks)
> From: "Vivien M."
> > I've had the opposite problem (people thinking I'm female, when I'm
> not...),
> > and it can get quite annoying, I agree.
> >
> Is this a pick up list? Find the guy or gal of your dreams 
> that can think too? I figure that you either earn people's 
> respect or admiration or you don't. Mailing-list sex hasn't 
> ever been an interest of mine. :)

Well, I've gotten [non-serious, I hope] marriage proposals from guys on
Usenet before...

I wouldn't go as far as Ms. Dill and saying it's offensive, but it is
annoying that whenever you call some company and they look you up in their
database, they say "ma'am" instead of "sir" (or, in Ms. Dill's case,
presumably the opposite), and whenever you start posting in a new forum
(Usenet, mailing list, etc), you inevitably have to correct the first person
who refers to you with the wrong gender pronouns, etc, which is always
embarassing for both you and the person who made the mistake...

That said, this is getting horribly off-topic... though perhaps we should
ask whether sex mailing lists are hosted on networks that filter 69/8? :)
(Yes, I know, that wasn't a good attempt at being on topic...)

(Mr.) Vivien M.
Assistant System Administrator
Dynamic DNS Network Services

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