On Thu, 28 Aug 2003 13:13:31 -0500, John Palmer wrote:

>I connect with my laptop from 3 or 4 locations to drop off mail to 
>my servers. I cannot use their mail servers from other locations other
>than when I am connected to them. I have about 2 dozen e-mail 
>accounts defined in outlook express and would have to change
>the outbound mail server setting for EACH one ever time I move
>off the RCN connection to one of the other locations from which I
>work and then back again when I get back to RCN.

Do you mean you SEND from each of the two dozen accounts at the
new location each time?  

(I experience the same inconvenience when travelling with my notebook
computer i.e. I need to amend the outgoing SMTP server in my mail client
on the fly.  But it takes only a moment [admittedly I use only two 
accounts] but it seems like a reasonable rule.)

Jeffrey Race

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