On 29.09 10:27, James Cowie wrote:
> Single-homed /24 through UUNet's 7046 to 701. Withdrawals started at 01:21:38 GMT
> (21:21:38 Eastern time), and ARIN flapped severely for about fifteen minutes.   
> Then they spent another hour and ten minutes inconsistently reachable from half the 
> world, with the picture mutating slowly.  701 seems to have been telling 
> inconsistent 
> stories about ARIN's reachability, depending on which of our peers you consulted  -- 
> IGP instability?  By 03:10 GMT everyone seems to have slowly gotten a  
> consistent picture again, with ARIN restored. 

The RIPE NCC Routing Information System saw a very similar picture:
Flapping from  01:20:50Z - 01:38:22Z, consolidation 01:59:46Z - 02:28:20Z.

For details see:


is quite useful in answering questions like this,
i.e. "What happened to prefix x.y.z/a between times t and u?"
It is near real time with a lag of typically 5 minutes.


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