On Mon, 27 Oct 2003 10:25:36 -0500 (EST), Sean Donelan wrote:
>Again, look the postal mail system.  One proposal required everyone mail
>letters in person at the post office, and show id to the postal clerk.
>The problem is it really doesn't solve the problem.  Third-party trust
>systems don't scale well beyone one or two degrees of separation. And
>there is only one major postal system.

The solution is simple, proven, and works immediately (hours or days):
a significant group of managers (from firms on this list) agree and 
announce that on a certain date and time, all mail will be bounced back
to IP addresses with a recent record of emitting spam, viruses, trojans etc.
(There are publicly available lists.)

This has been done in limited areas and it works immediately to force
the negligent providers to shut off all customers with dangerous boxes.
To repeat a previous post, those with a quiet moment you might wish to take
a look at


I'd welcome any comments.

Jeffrey Race

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