On Wed, 7 Jan 2004, Michel Py wrote:

> > I've heard conflicting reports, is a 7206 faster at packet switching
> > than a 7507?
> Greatly depends what's inside it. Sure, if your 7507 has an RSP2 (which
> basically is a 3640 on a blade) and legacy (meaning, non-dcef) blades a
> 7206 will beat the crud out of it. However, a loaded 7206 with a low-end
> NPE can choke when the 7507 with an RSP16 and recent VIPs will sail
> smoothly.

Even comparing a VXR with NPE300 to a 7500 with RSP4 and VIP2-50's, the
7206 will melt down and cease functioning properly on traffic levels the
7500 handles without breaking a sweat.

 Jon Lewis [EMAIL PROTECTED]|  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |  
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