
imagestream does this, afaik. not too familiar with their offerings though.


----- Original Message ----- 
Sent: Wednesday, January 14, 2004 5:02 AM
Subject: Re: /24s run amuck

> >Why vendors feel the need to design route
> >processors which are barely upgradable in RAM, not upgradable in
> >processing power, and at best 24-36 months behind the times of the 
> >technology the Dell Interns are pushing for $499, is beyond me.
> It's called profit margins.
> The thing that surprises me is that there aren't any small
> vendors offering fairly generic routing boxes, i.e. Intel-based
> motherboard, lots of RAM, BSD/Linux base OS with Zebra for
> routing and some of the many PCI cards supporting T1 and
> DS3 circuits (not to forget GigE...). In most other industries
> that are dominated by a few large brand-name high-margin
> suppliers there are also several low-margin suppliers offering
> generic products with minimal handholding. Why don't we
> see this in the router business?
> --Michael Dillon

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