On Sun, Mar 07, 2004 at 02:13:38AM -0500, Sean Donelan wrote:
> > Try saying that after running a major DDoS target, with "HIT ME" your
> > forehead.
> > No offense Sean but I'd like you to back your claim up with some
> > impirical data first.
> Has the number of DDOS attacks increased or decreased in the last few
> years has uRPF has become more widely deployed?
> Do you have any evidence the number of attacks are decreasing?

Without any data to back this up, I'm estimating based on the attacks
I've dealt with.
I don't believe the number have gone down at all. If it has, it's done
that for someone else, not me,

I don't have any evidence. Nor do I *believe* the number of attacks is
decreasing. If anything, its staying the same or going up, as more
people decide it's fun to take networks offline through the greater and
greater number of compromised hosts.

If you want to do a little test, try this:
In the last 5 years, compromised hosts have become a favourite for
launching DDoS attacks from. If the number of compromised hosts with
outbound Internet access has gone up, then either the frequency of
attacks, or the amplitude of said attacks, or both have gone UP.

We all know the number of compromised hosts continues to go up. The rest
is simple logic.

Avleen Vig
Systems Administrator

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