Paul Vixie wrote:

at scale, with things as they now are, i simply don't believe this. with a 10000:1 ratio (daily customers to onduty clues), it is never going to be possible to contact every customer out of band (by phone, that is) when they need to be told how to de-virus their win/xp box. not for $30/month. you can fiddle with the ratio -- 800:1 may work -- and you might be able to hire clues very cheaply for a while -- but not at scale.

i'd love to be proved wrong on this point.

I see this as a two different processes. There are definetly some individuals who have no help whatsoever with their computers and need the abuse/helpdesk to walk them through the disinfecting process. However in my experience these are only a small fraction of the population with infected machines. It really solves 90%+ of the problem by just getting the message to the individual that they have a problem and they´ll find somebody to fix it for them.


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