On Monday, March 15, 2004 6:01 PM [EST], Stephen J. Wilcox

>>> Anyone else seeing an error getting to www.cisco.com?
>> Yep, from AOL, level3, and RoadRunner.  All coming back as 403.
> You expected the webserver to react differently depending on how your
> packets got there?
> Steve

Possibly multiple web servers, each handling different areas, in some sort of
a cluster?  Its not unheard of.  I used to have a system like that for one of
my customers - based on where the traffic was coming from, the front end
server which routed the connections to the various backend web servers, which
would serve up slightly different data.  Someone comes from RU, send them to a
specific server which handles content for russia, and so on.

403 means permission denied, correct?  Also could mean that its got the IP
range you are coming from blacklisted.  (Try visiting the Blars BL homepage
from a blacklisted IP address, and you'll see what I mean).

When trying to figure out where a problem is, sometimes its good to try from
multiple locations regardless, even if it seems to be a problem specifically
with the server itself.
Brian Bruns
The Summit Open Source Development Group
Open Solutions For A Closed World / Anti-Spam Resources

The Abusive Hosts Blocking List

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