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How fast is DSL? I think mine is 64k min, so 6000x64k=384Mb .. hmm, I can 
transfer files currently via Gig for faster than that. 

But anyway, yeah they've done a bunch of benchmarks with stuff like this.

Basically you hack the TCP protocol stack at either end and it flows faster, the 
downside is you might break a whole bunch of things by doing so and you need to 
change the whole worlds' tcp stacks if you want to roll this out.


On Mon, 15 Mar 2004, Scott Call wrote:

> Found on slashdot:
> http://www.scienceblog.com/community/article2473.html
> Any idea what they're trying to say/sell?
> The article is so vague as to be mostly useless, but it seems to indicate
> the usual stuff like sliding windows.
> -S

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