It is *now* high time to check whether you see the following
pilot prefixes: 

    85.192/16, 85.255.248/21, 
    86.192/16, 86.255.248/21, 
    87.192/16, 87.255.248/21, 
    88.192/16, 88.255.248/21.

If you do not see all of these prefixes it is extremely likely that you
will have a connectivity problem shortly.  We also suggest that you
check any packet filters you may be responsible for. 


Daniel Karrenberg



This address space has been allocated by the IANA on April 4th 2003,
almost a month ago.  The fact has been widely announced then.

Routing decisions are fully within the responsibility of the network
operators.  The IANA and the RIRs will only announce which parts of the
address space are currently in use.  They have no authority whatsoever
over routing decisions taken by you and other network operators.

More details about this pilot service of the RIPE NCC can be found at .

A visibility comparison of the pilot prefixes with some production
prefixes can be found at .
Those interested in history, see .

Pingable targets exist in all pilot prefixes at 
t{85,86,87,88}-{16,21} , i.e. the target within 
the /21 pilot prefix of 85/8 is .

For testing purposes it is possible to do ping and traceroute 
originating within the pilot prefixes via .
Please use this with prudence.

More information on how to do Bogon filtering efficiently and reliably
can be found at Team CYMRU:

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