On Tue, 29 Jun 2004, Alex Rubenstein wrote:

> c) In regards to the tail-end of your mail, what you propose (the
> temporary reassignment of space to an ex-customer) is in (as I intepret
> ARIN policy) direct contradiction and violation of ARIN policy. If this
> policy were to stand, what prevents cable modem users, or dialup users, or
> webhosting customers, the right to ask to take their /32 with them?

That's an unrealistic (exaggerated) end result if this case becomes
precedent.  Among networks that filter incoming BGP routes, AFAIK, it's
common policy to ignore >/24 prefixes.  Announcing /32 routes into
BGP would not give anywhere near the global reachability as doing the same
with /24 or shorter prefixes.

If the [ex-]customer is and remains multihomed (pretty likely if they got
PI space), this doesn't even change the size of the global routing table.
I assume we have their route now through NAC and some other provider.  In
a few weeks, we'll still see their route through the other provider and
perhaps a new other provider.

I still don't agree with what they've done.  If someone figures out the IP
block in question let me know.  I suspect Alex can't post it without being
in violation of the TRO since he knows what we'll do with it.

 Jon Lewis                   |  I route
 Senior Network Engineer     |  therefore you are
 Atlantic Net                |
_________ http://www.lewis.org/~jlewis/pgp for PGP public key_________

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