On 14.09 13:23, Roland Perry wrote:
> > ...
> >more to the point, who decided meeting content?  essentially daniel
> >karrenberg does.
> I thought it was a committee of the Workgroup chairs (apart perhaps from 
> the first day).


you are almost right.

>From http://www.ripe.net/ripe/meetings/ripe-49/eof-info.html :

"The European Operators Forum (EOF) is a forum where new
technologydevelopments of interest to Internet Protocol network
operators arepresented and discussed.  The EOF has no formal charter or
chair.  The agenda is co-ordinated by a program committee led by Rob
Blokzijl, RIPE Chair. 

Participation is open to all interested parties.  The EOF is normally a
day and a half session that takes place prior to scheduled RIPE Working
Group sessions.  The Program Committee welcomes input for possible
topics and can be reached at <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. ... "

All sugestions for content go to the eof-coord list.  Anyone willing to
contribute to putting together the EOF programme is welcome to join this
list.  It is an extremely informal group.  Most, if not all, RIPE WG
chairpeople are on the list; but it is not limited to them.  The RIPE NCC
currently supports me to act as a secretary and to look after the
meeting/speaker logistics.  


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