> -----Original Message-----
> J. Oquendo
> Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 1:11 AM
> Subject: short Botnet list and Cashing in on DoS
> I've been slowly compiling a list of known botnets should
> anyone care to filter, or check them in your netblocks if 
> someone in your
> range is passing off garbage, etc. Information has been 
> passed from others
> admins having to deal with these pest. Care to pass on a host 
> that you're
> seeing I'll post it for others to see as well. Perhaps when I have
> spare time, I may or may not throw up something where admins 
> can check,
> add, hosts they're seeing. Don't know if I want my connection getting
> toasted for doing so, but it could be something informative, a-la
> spamhaus. Bothaus anyone?
> http://www.infiltrated.net/sdbot-irc-servers.txt

The problem with that is the list rapidly updates
and must be maintained with some level of frequency
and there's a level of trust involved in it as well.

Going after the bots is lesser effort. The controllers are
a priority.


Martin Hannigan                         (c) 617-388-2663
VeriSign, Inc.                          (w) 703-948-7018
Network Engineer IV                       Operations & Infrastructure

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