Or why don't they just create the $0 flash video or html step by step
instructions? Why doesn't the dummy series create "Comcast for
dummies", as they have for AOL users.

On Mon, 6 Dec 2004 21:45:30 -0500, D. Campbell MacInnes
> >
> > > "reconfigure their mail programs to point at Comcast's servers, and
> > > each phone call to the help desk costs $9."
> >
> >
> > And they couldn't spend say:
> >
> > $1.00 per CD with a vb script or instructions on doing this
> >
> > $100.00 (far fetched price) to have an interactive
> > step-by-step flash video created to show their customers
> >
> > $1000.00 (far fetched price) to set up some VXML based number
> > with a "Press 1 to RTFM... Press 2 to RTFM again"
> >
> > Even at an uber high charge (800/866 toll) of say $4.00 per
> > call, they could still implement the changes save tons of
> > money, and tons of aspirin when their headaches go away.
> > Maybe someone here can draft up a $10,000,000.00 pitch it to
> > them become an instant millionaire and save Comcast some
> > money at the same time.
> >
> >
> Speaking as someone who has run a (admittedly small) help/support desk,
> I can say in no uncertain terms that you would be astounded at the
> number of customers who will ignore every single one of these solutions
> and fight their way through to a live person simply because "that
> couldn't possibly have anything to do with MY problem".
> Not saying Comcast is right to not do it (though I'm also not saying
> they SHOULD do it), but I am saying that their figures, while likely
> somewhat inflated, probably aren't nearly as inflated as some might
> think they are.
> ++++++
> D. Campbell MacInnes

Joshua Brady

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