> The information requested from Alex's post today is what we are most after:
> Regarding http://www.nanog.org/mtg-0501/coordination.html -- can someone
> comment on who will from MERIT/NANOG will be present, and what the
> moderation will be? What is the intended agenda for this meeting?

My boss Betty Burke will represent Merit/NANOG, and members of the NANOG
program committee will be on hand as well. We're still in the process of
arranging moderators. The main agenda items are:

     1. Merit's role in coordinating NANOG
     2. How the Program Committee reviews proposals and selects presentations
     3. Community concerns about the NANOG email list.

Betty will cover the first item, Steve Feldman from the program committee
the 2nd, and the moderators the third. (BTW, Betty's been coordinating
Merit's holiday move to our newly constructed building, so she may not see
your mail for a day or so.)

> Also, what are the expected outcomes of this meeting?

We can't predict outcomes until we hear from you folks - that's the goal
of the meeting, to hear any and all concerns about moderation of the NANOG
list, selection of talks for the meetings, and whatever else is on your
mind.  We'll then take your input back to Merit and the program committee
and suggest some potential solutions.

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