>> a bit more coffee made me realize that what might best occur would
>> be for the rir, some weeks BEFORE assigning from a new block issued
>> by the iana, put up a pingable for that space and announce it on
>> the lists so we can all test BEFORE someone uses space from that
>> block.
> ARIN meeting happens in Orlando in about 1 month
> from now. There is at least one open mike session
> on the agenda and there is also a new policy workshop
> if folks think that this practice needs to be made
> into a formal policy.

it doesn't.  it's not policy.  it's a simple ops hack.  let's
not see how complex we can make it or how much bureaucrazy we
can wrap around it.

it seems that even bureaucrazy ripe managed to do it without
holding policy discussions; see henk's posting.


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