On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

On Thu, Mar 24, 2005 at 12:18:34PM -0800, Bill Woodcock wrote:

On Thu, 24 Mar 2005, G Pavan Kumar wrote: > Actually, I am not doing what you think I am. I am using the RouteViews > aggregation of the BGP routing tables. RouteViews is a project at the > univ. of Oregon that peers with backbones.

Really?  Could you tell us more about it?  I thought there was just one
Internet backbone.

Bill... Stop it!!! shooting fish in a barrel is no sport at all.

You think I am a fish in a barrel? Well, guess what, I didnt think it through while entering your mouth that you're dumb enough to prefer it rather in a barrel!!

   > I am looking at almost full and fresh data.

So what value do you assign to "almost full?"  There's a difference
between "best" and "complete," which you may not be entirely appreciating.


almost full == just after dessert

        and as you (and almost every one else on this list) know,
        there is zero chance of "complete" ...  and "best" is always
        in the eye/routing-table of the beholder.


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