Thus spake "Adi Linden" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Frankly, I'm fine with 911 not working on VoIP lines; I have a cell
> > for that when needed.  Now that I think about it, I'm not sure I've ever
> > actually dialed 911 from a land line.
> You're lying on the floor incapacitated and in agony, suffering from some
> acute and life threatening medical condition. Your neighbour finds you.
> He picks up your landline phone, dials 911 and hears "911 service is not
> available from this phone please use another phone...". He goes looking
> for another phone while you die and rest in peace.

Hopefully he'll pull a cell phone out of his (or my) pocket and not leave my
side in such a dire emergency.  Or he might run across the hall to the cop
that lives there.  After noting there's no phones anywhere in the living
areas, he'll probably get the hint I don't have a phone line, which is
becoming common at least within my social group.

I certainly hope he doesn't dig around in my office; there's half a dozen
VoIP phones in here, most of which don't work at any given time since I'm
constantly futzing with them for work.  However, in case someone might
chance upon a working one before giving up, I'll go figure out how to make
the PBX to route 911 and 9911 to my PSAP instead of one in Canada.  Or maybe
I'll just put it in an on-screen speed dial.  Hmm.


Stephen Sprunk      "Those people who think they know everything
CCIE #3723         are a great annoyance to those of us who do."
K5SSS                                             --Isaac Asimov

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