> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Friday, April 01, 2005 7:59 AM
> To: nanog@merit.edu
> Subject: Re: potpourri (Re: Clearwire May Block VoIP Competitors )
[ SNIP ]

> But, leaving that aside, if the IP phone has a battery
> inside it and if it can record previous GPS locations
> and if you move the phone outside to a new location, then
> it could remember the last GPS detectable location and
> use that when it connects to the net again.

May as well implant an RFID and a Emergency button 
on every citizen.

A more feasable solution might be to integrate SS7
into the head-end and pass to the proper PSAP like we do 
now based on LIDB, CNAM, etc. This would continue the
legacy transmission of subscriber data to assist emerg.
services in locating you. Prior to E911 you had to
identify yourself and your location though. It's nice
to have intelligent network features, isn't it?


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