On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, Brad Knowles wrote:

> At 5:06 PM -0800 2005-03-30, Bill Nash wrote:
> >  I find this to be entertaining, since as a VOIP consumer, I'm
> >  reimbursing my ISP for the cost of the traffic as part of my monthly
> >  tithe.
>       No, that's not true.  Not if your ISP has oversold their upstream 
> bandwidth, and a lot of people start using VOIP.
>       In that case, your ISP is dependant on keeping you fat, dumb, 
> happy, barefoot, and pregnant in the kitchen, taking whatever 
> semidigested pabulum they choose to feed you, and if you start 
> getting uppity by actually thinking for yourself and using something 
> like VOIP, then they're going to have to bitch-slap you back into 
> your rightful place under their thumb.

That is fairly entertaining. Perhaps you could provide the financial 
breakdown for ANY DSL business model that doesn't rely on 

Q. How many, full-on 6 Meg DSL subscribers can you put on a 45 meg ATM 
connection without oversubscription? ;)

    Vice President of N2Net, a New Age Consulting Service, Inc. Company
         http://www.n2net.net Where everything clicks into place!

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