Why not standardize this across the board for all access devices? As an 
example if my Broadband provider was required to enter
location information in my cable modem so that when I connected a VOIP device 
(ATA, IAD, PC, etc) it would query the first IP device
it encountered and gather location data that would solve a lot of these 
problems.  Any solution can be circumvented so no solution
will be perfect, but this idea seems easy enough to accomplish with existing 
technology. It would even fix the VPN connection issue,
unless the user was purposefully trying to obfuscate himself in which case I 
don't think we are necessarily concerned about his
ability to contact emergency services.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, July 20, 2005 7:22 AM
To: nanog@merit.edu
Subject: Re: Vonage Selects TCS For VoIP E911 Service

 Maybe we should lobby government to require Wi-Fi access point manufacturers 
to include location information in their devices.
After that, the VoIP operators and the Wi-Fi access operators should be able to 
sort out some protocol for sharing the location

Welcome to the 21st century! They never said it was going to be easy.

--Michael Dillon

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