Google for FlowScan and CUFlow

On Thu, 2005-09-22 at 18:11 +0800, Joe Shen wrote:
> Hi,
> As I know there is tools designed to analyze VoIP
> traffic, but for viewpoint of traffic management this
> is not enough. Is there tool which could classify
> network traffic to its applications?
> e.g. the tools catch network traffic and recognize its
> application type automatically. If 80% of (80/tcp) is
> web browsing (tcp/80) is recognized as WEB browsing;
> if 80% of (1234/tcp) is Edonky, it is recognized as
> Edonkey application. 
> Joe
> Send instant messages to your online friends 
Erik Haagsman
Network Architect
We Dare BV
Tel: +31(0)10-7507008
Fax: +31(0)10-7507005

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