On Fri, 2005-10-07 at 11:21 -0400, Todd Vierling wrote: 
> Another snippet from same article:
> =====
> Google will also push for laws that make ISPs and intermediaries liable for
> the content contained on their servers. Google just indexes the information,
> the search engine argued, and feels it is not its place to censor
> information contained throughout the Web.
> =====
> Well, isn't that "fun"?

Ahhh....they feel they shouldn't sensor, and there I was thinking that
was Google's task in life. Very generous and what a great idea for new
laws that firmly put the blame on anyone but Google.

Erik Haagsman
Network Architect
We Dare BV
Tel: +31(0)10-7507008
Fax: +31(0)10-7507005

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