On Mon, 17 Oct 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I agree that the end state is *NOT* 100% multihoming. It is
> too complex for most people and there is no business
> justification for it. But an awful lot of business customers
> will be able to justify multihoming. That is part and parcel
> of the "mission critical" Internet.

The year is 2011. Last week my DSL provider died for 6 hours and my
family was unable to get to the Internet. A friend suggests I try
Suparoute11 (tm), I download the program and install on my Xbox 5.

A few seconds later it uses my Xbox's 802.66 wireless port to contact
several other people running the program within a few blocks of my house.
Options are displayed on my screen, one guy's hub is offering a "backup
10Mb/s home link, tunneled and advertised to TIX" across a large cable

My son tells me that is what I want so I setup a payment of $5 per month
to him. In 10 minutes from start to finish my house's /54 is "multi-homed",
whatever that means.

Simon J. Lyall  |  Very Busy  |  Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar | eMT.

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